Kennel Emmett's Tale Contract Ethics


Emmett’s Tail

How One Dog’s Humble Beginnings Inspired

Here on the farm, Emmett is known as “The King” among both human folk and critters.  Even the chickens seem to sense his regal approach on his daily promenades through the insightout Kingdom.  However, the truth about Emmett is that his heritage is mixed and accidental and his lineage vague.

It appears that Emmett’s mother, a registered English Bulldog residing with a reputable breeder, bred with a non-royal male.  She was immediately sold to another unsuspecting breeder.  By the time the second breeder realized the pregnancy and the uncertain origin of the litter, Emmett was almost a warm handful of reality.

The breeder’s choice to whelp the litter, on the long shot the puppies were purebred, gave Emmett a fighting chance. It proved difficult to judge bloodline at birth, so the tails were docked & the breeder remained optimistic, but guarded, and continued care of the litter.

When it became irrevocably clear that the litter was mutt, the window for Edog’s survival narrowed substantially. However, we united with Emmett on September 8, 2001, just three days before 9/11.

Our journey together has borne witness to both that epic tragedy and personal struggle. Over the years Emmett has endured a total hip replacement, a TPLO on both knees and a spiral leg fracture with 10 weeks of an external fixature.

Emmett’s strong spirit, our loving care and the doctors at Texas A&M have achieved a miracle.  Emmett has resumed his regal duties, living proof that true kings are not born but fashioned out of the muck and mire of life’s circumstances.

Meet Emmett.